Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Polished skills + No Conscience = Disaster

The shaping of ones conscience, (AL NAFS in arabic) begins at a very young age. I remember seeing how my fathers conscience would make him overcome his pride and humble himself in situations that were difficult. Observing how his conscience guided his behavior had a really big influence on me and how I dealt with things.
From him I learned my moral code that governed and influenced my conscience. I learned how to act "moral" and how to "do the right thing" from seeing how my father dealt with things and people and so from ma daddy I learned that its extremely important to have a healthy moral enforcer that will tell you when your behaving out of line.

I am human, and the slippage occurs. I ,at times, ( and still do from time to time) contradict my "moral Code" and hurt myself as well as others. However, I have always had that "code enforcer" and therefore knew, was very aware, and still am, of every immoral thing I do and say.(And when I say "immoral" I strictly mean this from a social/religious standard of ethical and non ethical behaviors)My conscience is ever present and very self- NOTIFYING, I could say, when I start to BS.
Its also important to know the moral code of a dating partner and friend. A persons values, morals and how they handle difficult people, strangers, being angry and money tell you a lot about their conscience. A consistent and healthy self- monitoring conscience is a MUST. A partner/friend with a healthy conscience will admit to mistakes, apologize when necessary, avoid immoral behavior and uphold honorable standards of character. Avoid people who don't have a conscience or don't act on their conscience because thats a quick call to disaster.

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