Monday, May 31, 2010

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Watch ur thoughts

"Do not waste the remainder of thy life in thoughts about others, when thou dost not refer thy thoughts to some object of common utility. For thou losest the opportunity of doing something else when thou hast such thoughts as these, What is such a person doing, and why, and what is he saying, and what is he thinking of, and what is he contriving, and whatever else of the kind makes us wander away from the observation of our own ruling power. We ought then to check in the series of our thoughts everything that is without a purpose and useless, but most of all the over-curiousfeeling and the malignant; and a man should use himself to think of those things only about which if one should suddenly ask, What hast thou now in thy thoughts? With perfect openness thou mightest, immediately answer, This or That; so that from thy words it should be plain that everything in thee is simple and benevolent, and such as befits a social animal, and one that cares not for thoughts about pleasure or sensual enjoyments at all, nor has any rivalry or envy and suspicion, or anything else for which thou wouldst blush if thou shouldst say that thou hadst it in thy mind. For the man who is such and no longer delays being among the number of the best, is like a priest and minister of the gods, using too the deity which is planted within him, which makes the man uncontaminated by pleasure, unharmed by any pain, untouched by any insult, feeling no wrong, a fighter in the noblest fight, one who cannot be overpowered by any passion, dyed deep with justice, accepting with all his soul everything which happens and is assigned to him as his portion; and not often, nor yet without great necessity and for the general interest, imagining what another says, or does, or thinks. For it is only what belongs to himself that he makes the matter for his activity; and he constantly thinks of that which is allotted to himself out of the sum total of things, and he makes his own acts fair, and he is persuaded that his own portion is good. For the lot which is assigned to each man is carried along with him and carries him along with it. And he remembers also that every rational animal is his kinsman, and that to care for all men is according to man's nature; and a man should hold on to the opinion not of all, but of those only who confessedly liveaccording to nature. But as to those who live not so, he always bears in mind what kind of men they are both at home and from home, both by night and by day, and what they are, and with what men they live an impure life. Accordingly, he does not value at all the praise which comes from such men, since they are not even satisfied with themselves. "- Aurelius

Monday, May 24, 2010

beautiful verse

"It may well be that you hate a thing the while it is good for you, and it may well be that you love a thing the while it is bad for you: and God knows, whereas you do not know."

Tupacs poems

These are my favorite poems written by Tupac...their beautiful

Ambition Over Adversity
    Take one's adversity
    Learn from their misfortune
    Learn from their pain
    Believe in something
    Believe in yourself
    Turn adversity into ambition
    Now blossom into wealth

when I was alone and had nothing
I asked 4 a friend 2 help me bear the
pain no one came except...GOD

when I needed a breath 2 rise
from my sleep no one could
help me except....GOD

when all i saw was sadness
and I needed answers no one
heard me except....GOD

so when I am asked who I
give my unconditional love 2
look for no other name

Why Must U be Faithful

u shouldn't listen 2 your selfish heart
It doesn't really have a brain
Besides keeping you alive
Its existence is in vain
"How could I be so mean,
and say your heart has no place?"
Because mortal men fall in love again
as fast as they change their face
I may be cruel, but think awhile about
The hearts u have broken
Match that with the empty vows
and broken promises u've spoken
I am not saying females R perfect
Because men we know its not true
But why must u be unfaithful
If her heart is true 2 u!!!!

daddys patience

My father is probably the most patient man iv ever met and I learned this weekend that his patience is probably one of the things I love about him the most and that I need to be more patient with everything in life.
Spending time with him also made me realize more now then ever how much of a beautiful individual he is. His kind character has never changed despite the things that life has thrown at him ...his essence has never changed and it never will.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

O Oprah do ur thing an give that advice

1. What you put out comes back all the time, no matter what. (This is my creed.)

2. You define your own life. Don't let other people write your script.

3. Whatever someone did to you in the past has no power over the present. Only you give it power.

4. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time. (A lesson from Maya Angelou.)

5. Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you.

6. What you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become what you believe.

7. If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that will be enough. (From the German theologian and humanist Meister Eckhart.)

8. The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.

9. Failure is a signpost to turn you in another direction.

10. If you make a choice that goes against what everyone else thinks, the world will not fall apart.

11. Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn't lie.

12. Love yourself and then learn to extend that love to others in every encounter.

13. Let passion drive your profession.

14. Find a way to get paid for doing what you love. Then every paycheck will be a bonus.

15. Love doesn't hurt. It feels really good.

16. Every day brings a chance to start over.

17. Being a mother is the hardest job on earth. Women everywhere must declare it so.

18. Doubt means don't. Don't move. Don't answer. Don't rush forward.

19. When you don't know what to do, get still. The answer will come.

20. "Trouble don't last always."

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Im still growing with my spirituality...but I believe the fundamentals of being a true believer is not about how many times you go to a mosque, a church, donate money or pray, I believe the essence of being a true believer is in how you treat others. How you treat others who have done you wrong, let you down and how you treat people who can do you no benefit. I love religion and I love God. I drifted away for a while from that but im coming back to it, God that is.
These sayings are absolutely beautiful...and they are what I strive to embody....they are a few out of many beautiful others...

Some beautiful Islamic sayings....
-"Good character is half of faith"

-"Happy is the person who finds fault with himself
instead of finding fault with other"

-"The best of God's servants are those who when seen remind you of God;
and the worst of God's servants are those who spread tales
to do mischief and separate friends, and look for the faults of the good."

-"What I fear most for my people are the hypocrites, who talk wisely, yet act unjustly"
These are all saying from the Prophet Muhammad PBUH...

Jesus also said
" Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
-"You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you"

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Marcus Aurelius

Unhappy am I because this has happened to me.- Not so, but happy am I, though this has happened to me, because I continue free from pain, neither crushed by the present nor fearing the future. For such a thing as this might have happened to every man; but every man would not have continued free from pain on such an occasion. Why then is that rather a misfortune than this a good fortune? And dost thou in all cases call that a man's misfortune, which is not a deviation from man's nature? And does a thing seem to thee to be a deviation from man's nature, when it is notcontrary to the will of man's nature? Well, thou knowest the will of nature. Will then this which has happened prevent thee from being just, magnanimous, temperate, prudent, secure against inconsiderate opinions and falsehood; will it prevent thee from having modesty, freedom, and everything else, by the presence of which man's nature obtains all that is its own? Remember too on every occasion which leads thee to vexation to apply this principle: not that this is a misfortune, but that to bear it nobly is good fortune.

Essence of God

extremely beautiful quote

"The human understanding cannot go so far of its natural power as to grasp His (God) substance, since under the conditions of the present life the knowledge of our understanding commences with sense; and therefore objects beyond sense cannot be grasped by human understanding except so far as knowledge is gathered of them through the senses. But things of sense cannot lead our understanding to read in them the essence of the Divine Substance, inasmuch as they are effects inadequate to the power that caused them. Nevertheless our understanding is thereby led to some knowledge of God, namely, of His existence and of other attributes that must necessarily be attributed to the First Cause. There are, therefore, some points of intelligibility in God, accessible to human reason, and other points that altogether transcend the power of human reason."

Prayer and Confidence in God

"When My servants ask you about Me, I am always near. I answer their prayers when they pray to Me. The people shall respond to Me and believe in Me, in order to be guided." (2:186)

"Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. "

Two beautiful verses that have a lot of meaning when you think about them. First of all we need to seek help and guidance everyday from God who is capable of everything. I think we tend to forget how powerful he is, and He has the power to change something in a second. So pray to him for your problems and remember that He can do everything and anything. Sometimes there are things that we cannot control and therefore we should rely, trust and lean on God.
After doing so, be confident and fearless. Go do the impossible and the work that He brought you here for. Dont waste time doing what the majority of people are doing, and chase foolishness. Keep your mind upright and struggle to be the best individual you can be with the help of God and through Him you will gain confidence that will make you move mountains. Through Him the impossible becomes possible. Believe it babayyy


Be aware of you spend time with and be aware of who you call friends.
Friends should be there to uplift and guide you. I personally am very blessed to have had and kept the most wonderful friends a woman can ask for. I know and love these individuals who have taught me strength when I was weak and picked me up when I fell to the ground. Thats what we all need, people who, as Oprah would say, take the bus if the limo breaks down.
Today I am thankful for this blessing and I am always reminded by it. Not many people have amazing friends in their lives, and thank God I do. I pray that I stay a blessing to them as they will to me.
Much luv

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Maya Angelou Wisdom

Convo btw her and Oprah...
Maya: I believe that a negative statement is poison. The air between you and me is filled with sounds and images. If that were not so, how is it that I can turn on a television right now and see what's happening in New York? That means sounds and images are in the air, crowded, jammed up like bats. And Oprah, I'm convinced that the negative has power. It lives. And if you allow it to perch in your house, in your mind, in your life, it can take you over. So when the rude or cruel thing is said—the lambasting, the gay bashing, the hate—I say, "Take it all out of my house!" Those negative words climb into the woodwork and into the furniture, and the next thing you know they'll be on my skin.
Oprah: The same is true with the positive spirit
Maya: I love a statement by the apostle Paul, in the Book of Philippians in the Bible. I think the Corinthians had been writing to Paul, telling him that old men were chasing young women, nobody was tithing—and all that must have run Paul crazy. He wrote back and said, "If there be anything of good report, speak of these things." That's one of my principles. I know it sounds the same [as the one I just mentioned], but it's separate. It's another discipline that I encourage myself to employ—to, as much as possible, say the courteous thing, and then be it.
Oprah: My favorite Maya teaching is, "When people show you who they are, believe them."
Maya: Yes—and believe them the first time!
Oprah: You've told me a lot of things, but that's the one principle that really resonates. If you can just get that, you can do okay.

Maya: You can save yourself a lot of anger.
Oprah: I once heard you say, "If you want to liberate someone, love them."

Maya: That's it. Not be in love with them—that's dangerous. If you're in love with your children, you're in their lives all the time. Leave them alone! Let them grow and make some mistakes. Tell them, "You can come home. My arms are here—and my mouth is too." Tell them, "I'm going to leave you alone. You want to listen to rock and rap? Well, I think it's stupid, but help yourself." When you really love them, you don't want to possess them. You don't say, "I love you and I want you here with me." Naturally, if you love somebody, you do want to see their face every now and again, but that's not a condition of your love. People often get possession mixed up with love, and they say, "If you really loved me, you would call me." How—when life is going on? I think of you all the time, and the thought of you always lifts my spirits. But I'm not right at the phone!
Oprah: Have you been able to manage that kind of love even in romance?

Maya: It's hard, but I do it—and I don't know how. When I love somebody, I like him to be around; I like him to take me out to dinner; I like to look at the sunset with him. But if not, I love him and I hope he's looking at the same sun I am. Loving someone liberates the lover as well as the beloved. And that kind of love comes with age. Some of this wisdom came to me after I was 50 or 60.

Monday, May 3, 2010

LOve me Love me

You can alter your self definition at any time by growing in self awareness. Through self exploration, you can learn to identify and change your weaknesses and bad habits into strengths.
Building self identity is a constant thing that should never be stopped. You go through experiences, some great and some not, that helps build your character.Both your psychological and physical being is in a constant process of growth and its on you to maintain that growth positively. Nurture your mind, soul and body everyday. Try not to go a single day without feeding positive energy into one of these three dimensions. Thirst for knowledge, search for God and give yourself time to exercise and get into the best physical condition you can be in. God bless!

Trusting God...

Sometimes things go on in our life that we don't understand.
We got to trust God all the time, even when we do not understand or wrap our minds around something. Your faith will be tested over and over, but remaining steadfast and patient with God and his judgement is important. He has bigger plans for us then we know and even though we might not see it now, we will in the future.

I have always struggled with completely leaving things to God but now I know its what I need to do. He told us repeatedly that if we call on Him and trust Him, He will help us with this thing we call life. In time, His plans for us will be revealed.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

DrEaM Big or Go hOme!!

"I want the money, money and the cars, cars and the clothes...I suppose ..I just wanna be, I just wanna be successful "...I love that song...although uh Trey u can keep the hoes...we dont want em lol
anyway my message for today is...Believe in your dreams.
The subconscious mind soaks up thoughts like a sponge. Its very important to alter your train of thoughts and try your best to eliminate negative impulses that run through your brain.
If you look at many successful individuals, you will see that their success is a result of their powerful minds combined with skill ofcorse. Indviduals like Michael Jordan, Muhammad Ali, and Oprah, to name a few, truly understood the power of positive thinking and having a persistant attitude that looks past adversity.One of my favorite quotes is from Kobe Bryant ( my dream husband lol)...he said "The guy said NBA players are one in a million, ... I said, 'Man, look, I'm going to be that one in a million." ..this just goes to show what kind of mentality this person has.

Napoledan Hill goes into detail about this in his book "Think and grow rich"...
One of my favorite passages:

"If you think you're beaten, you are,
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you'd like to win, but think you can't,
It's almost for sure, you won't.

If you think you're losing, you've lost.
For out in the world we find -
Success begins with a person's will,
It's all in the state of mind.

If you think you're outclassed, you are,
You've got to think high to rise.
You have to stay with it,
In order to win the prize.

Life's battles don't always go,
To the stronger or faster man
But soon or late the one who wins

I have alotta dreams...always have...and I wont settle until I accomplish them all. You need to do the same, be fearless.Prepare, visualize and believe it BAYBAYYYYYYYYYY..and DONT GET if u do...realize whats happening and hop back on track!